Monday, November 22, 2010

Three months!

Well, today is the one quarter mark of my stay in Korea, and I thought it would be appropriate to make a post. Hard to believe it's been three months already, the time has flown by. I've made some great friends from all over the world. It always amuses me that when I go out with friends we are a regular united nations delegation. Usually there are three or four different continents represented. I've made friends with people from the States, Canada, England, Scotland, Switzerland, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, Indonesia, China, Taiwan, Japan, and of course, Korea. Super awesome.

I'm starting to understand Seoul a lot better. I am still utterly lost most of the time, but I can usually get from one part of the city to another pretty well. As long as I stay on the main roads and in the subways I am fine. I'm starting to explore off the main roads in Hanam now which is really fun too. I live in the new part of the city with high rise apartments and various American type shops, but old Hanam is much more interesting. There are parts of the city the west has barely grazed and I feel more foreign there than anywhere else I've been.

The fall has been gorgeous out here, it's so nice to live in a place where the leaves change color again. The sea of red, yellow, and brown is almost all on the ground now, and I think winter is coming soon. The past few weeks have been really pleasant, staying in the fifties during the day, but a cold snap is coming through and I sure am glad that I brought my winter coat.

I discover new foods almost every day and love all of it. I know the names of a lot, but there is a lot more that I have no idea. Generally I just let whoever I am with order because I like everything I've tried. Kimchi especially I can't get enough of, pickled and spicy...mmm mmm mmm.

Here a few pictures from around Hanam. The first is the view out my front door. The second is my school. The third is just a picture I took while walking to work.

Well that's about all from this side of the world for now. I'll try to do something really exciting in the next couple weeks for you all to read about and enjoy:)


  1. Thanks for the pics, bobo! Can you share what the locals are feeling about the current conflicts between the North and the South? Just curious what you know and hear on your end opposed to what we get through our hyped up media outlets.

    I know Thursday this week is just another day there but please know we are thinking of you as we gather for Thanksgiving and are so thankful you are happy and safe. Looking forward to skyping tomorrow!

  2. Hey Bo - your mother passed your blog link to me so I thought i should check it out. From the looks of it - you're "sucking the marrow out of life (Dead Poets Society)" by teaching in Seoul. Kudos to you and your adventurous spirit!

    Your former econ teacher,

    Eric Serbus

  3. Thanks Eric! It really has been a blast out here, and my first real teaching job is definitely giving me some perspective. I hope those high schoolers in Prior Lake aren't giving you too much trouble!
