Saturday, August 21, 2010

Wow... Korea

Hello all!
I have arrived safe and sound to the other side of the world, and while it did not go quite as smoothly as I had hoped I am here and that's what matters. Everything that ended up going a little weird happened in the States, of course. The flight I took from MPLS to San Fransisco was delayed in the air because there was too much fog at SFO to land, so we were put into a holding pattern, but we didn't have enough fuel to circle for an hour and thus landed at the Oakland airport, refueled, then took off and landed across the bay. After exiting the plane I ran, and I mean ran, half a mile down two terminals to reach my gate just as they were calling the final boarding call for the overseas flight. I had made it, but my bags of course did not. Hopefully they will be delivered to my room today, hopefully.
All of that mess aside, my first eighteen or so hours here have been great. I was met at my apartment by Sun and another teacher from my school last night and we went out for a bite to eat. I have no idea what it was, noodles and veggies and stuff, but apparently I impressed my companions with my mad chopstick skills and at how I dove right in to the spicy dishes.
The area I'm in looks very cool, I've only walked around it for a couple hours but I can tell already this is going to be a good place to live. I am right across from the Hanam city hall, close to the Han river, and there is a really big mountain looming on the eastern edge of town.
That's about all I know right now. Take care everyone.


  1. Thanks for the post, huge sigh of relief on this end, sounds good, except for the lost baggage part...

  2. Better believe I'll be following this one!!!
